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Movement ABC-3 - Movement Assessment Battery for Children 3rd edition

Movement ABC-3 - Movement Assessment Battery for Children 3rd edition
Aiheet Neuropsykologia, Motoriikka ja havainto, Toimintaterapia
Julkaisija Sheila E Henderson, Anna Barnett
Soveltuvuus esimerkiksi fysio- ja toimintaterapeuttien käyttöön
Ikäryhmät 3 v-25 v11 kk
Suoritusaika 30-45 min
Tarkoitus lapsen hieno- ja karkeamotoriikan tason arvioiminen
Julkaistu 2023
Normitus Normit perustuvat täysin uuteen otokseen, jossa on 1279 lasta ja nuorta aikuista, jotka testattiin elokuun 2021 ja helmikuun 2023 välisenä aikana Isossa-Britanniassa, Australiassa ja Uudessa-Seelannissa.

The Movement Assessment Battery for Children, Third Edition (Movement ABC-3) provides an objective measurement of gross and fine motor coordination difficulties in children and young adults aged 3 – 25 years and 11 months.

Movement ABC-3 Benefits:

Identify delay or impairment in motor development
Plan intervention
Measure change and monitor progress over time
Widely known and respected for use in research related to motor development
Gain a holistic picture of motor performance using the Checklists to complement observational assessment

The Movement ABC-3 updates include:

Revised and updated test content and items
New manipulatives
Extended age range down to 3 and up to 25 years and 11 months
Co-collected sample between the UK and ANZ
Unified contructs across ages

Three Movement ABC-3 subtests:

Manual Dexterity
Aiming & Catching
Balance & Locomotion

Separate Checklists for each age band:

Self (age band 3 only)

Test content and structure

The test contains 10 tasks for each of 3 age ranges: 3 – 6 years (3-year-olds complete 7 tasks); 7 – 11 years and 12 – 25 years and 11 months. The tasks cover the following 3 domains:

Manual Dexterity
Aiming & Catching (ball skills)
Balance & Locomotion

Task, domain and Total Motor scores are provided. A profile of a child’s performance over the different sections of the test can be examined and a ‘traffic light’ system helps map areas of strength and concern.

The assessment is paralleled by an observational approach to perceptual-motor aspects and emotional and motivational difficulties the individual may have in relation to motor tasks.


Norms based on a sample of 1279 collected jointly in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand
Extensive international research built over the previous version of the assessment and this version - featuring in over 500 studies
Numerous translations worldwide

The Movement ABC-3 Checklists

The Movement ABC-3 Checklists provide a means for assessing movement in everyday situations in which the child or young adult participates.

Use the checklist to:

Assess groups of students in classroom situations
Obtain parents’ or teachers’ views on an individual’s movement in everyday settings
Measure the extent to which a young person’s attitudes and feelings about motor tasks are situation specific or more generalised
Ascertain the impact of motor difficulties on an individual’s participation in everyday activities

Movement ABC-3 complete kit includes:
Test Manual, 25 AB1 Record Forms, 25 AB2 Record Forms, 25 AB3 Record Forms, 25 AB1 Checklists, 25 AB2 Checklists, 25 AB3 Self Checklists, 25 AB3 Other Checklists, Checklist Manual, 50 AB1 Drawing Circles Sheets, 50 AB2 Drawing Circles Sheets, 50 AB3 Drawing Circles Sheets and a Manipulatives Set.